Saturday, January 21, 2006

Special Day - A Birthday Wish

Today is a very special day for me. For on this day (January 21) some 19 years ago God brought into this world a person who just by her mere existence is a constant reminder to me that God in His infinite wisdom decided to bless me. The birth of my daughter, Lauren Paige Garner is a constant reminder of the blessings of God and with that it also reminds me that He loves to bless those that are His.

When the psalmist stated that God lets it rain on the just and the unjust rings true to me. For there was nothing I did, or every could do, that would merited such a blessing as my daughter has been to me. God smiled and decided in his infinite wisdom that he would bless my family with her and everyday I give thanks for her. God has blessed me with two of the most precious gifts in my life, Paige is one of the gifts. She has been one of two great joys of my life.

Over the last 19 years when I think back on her life I believe God has shown me through this daughter of mine how much He loves me. Even when I don't deserve it, He still loves me.

With that said, this is not just my daughters birthday but it is a day that I celebrate the goodness of God even when I do not feel His goodness. I need only to look a picture of Paige to know that he is a Good God.

Here is wishing you, Lauren Paige Garner, a special birthday wish. My wish is this, that God will bless you throughout your life. And always remember this one thing, your Papi loves you!

Papi (alias BluesMan)

1 comment:

Paige said...

and I love my Papi. :D