Monday, January 30, 2006

Another One Bytes the Dust

These past few weeks have been sort of a blur to me. I have not had a chance to read some of my favorite blogs. So today I decided to catch up on my reading. I was shocked to discover that one of my favorite top 10 blogs has bit the dust. As of January 24th (now you see how far behind I was) PyroManiac has become no more.

I have much respect for Phillip and his work. Both in the blogsphere and his ministry in his home church. I know that anything he puts his hands to do he strives for excellence. This was true for his blog as well, and I respect his reasoning for quitting the blogsphere. I counted myself as one who enjoyed his points of view. Though we did not always agree. Sadness has crept in.

Yet there is light, though I have no idea how bright that light will be, Phillip has decided to create a group blog that is taking it's place. If you like to be challenged, sometimes provoked, or even sometimes humored try PyroManiacs. It's not the original but here hoping it keeps the standard he set.


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